WNA Blog

Sun 21 Jan 2018

You Having a Lend of Me? What’s a Hobby?

Finance & Insurance

We all spend so much time on building a career, a business, putting into our families, our homes, our friends and even our pets get some tender loving care along the way. So why are we so reluctant to give ourselves that same care.

When we chat to friends who are stressed we always offer advice – like you need to take some time, relax, put your feet up – go and enjoy your hobby. And what is the first response back – I’d love to, but I just don’t have the time.

I am probably the worst person at maintaining a hobby. The whole thought of fitting another thing into my day sends me into a panic attack and rocking in the corner. Fun or no fun – its one more thing to do!

After some pondering I have likened it to planning for a loan application – because that’s what I do.

Step one – See where you are wasting your resources. When looking for a loan we look at money in and money out and where we can tighten the belt. In this case we are looking at where are you wasting your time. Once you have identified the ‘gaps’ in your day/week/month you can look at ‘scheduling’ in hobby time. Sounds easy enough.

Step 2 – Can you double task it with something else. The end goal might be to get a house but have you organised your other commitments first that could be done at the same time. In hobby speak it could be as simple as taking a gym class with friends instead of trying to do each thing on its own. 45 minutes invested and 3 tasks completed. Win!

Step 3 – Change your routine. Are you spending too much on coffee or takeaway? You can save by swapping it with other options. If I change my daily plan and attack what I love to do first up then I have already fitted in that all important ‘me time’ before the craziness of the day begins. (I’m not a morning person but it makes sense)

Step 4 – Turn off your screens. Hmmm this really has nothing to do with a loan application, but yes I spend way too much time in front of a screen and find it hard to walk away from it. For me I love reading so maybe going back to an old fashioned hard copy book/magazine could work to catch up on industry news, help me focus and keep me away from constantly replying to emails.  (Ah maybe that is my hobby ha ha ha)

Step 5 – Finding the right bank and options may take a little longer than 5 minutes. Maybe hobbying is meant to be in short bursts and not marathons that take forever. For example a quick power walk whilst walking the dog first thing in the morning on a semi regular occasion could suffice.

On that thought, maybe I am overthinking this hobby concept. Maybe a regular set in concrete hobby routine is not for me. Maybe all of us working women are too hard on ourselves and not acknowledging the brilliant job we do everyday fitting in short hobby bursts. And, maybe, just maybe, my job is my hobby after all. I do love it.

What about you?

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