Top 5 Marketing Tips You Need To Know Because You Are Never Not Marketing - Women's Network Australia

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Mon 17 Aug 2020

Top 5 Marketing Tips You Need To Know Because You Are Never Not Marketing

Advertising & Marketing
What does it take for women who are entering executive ranks in business or starting their own companies, to achieve professional success?

Regardless of whether you’re moving up the corporate ladder or working to build a start-up, here are some tips all businesswomen might want to consider when it comes to marketing. 

 Although we don’t typically think of ourselves this way, we are all marketers and constantly marketing We market ourselves in executive positions and our products in our business, with the aim to influence. 

When we are the product, we influence others to like and trust us. When we offer a product, our marketing needs to influence customers to invest in what we believe is of value to them. 

In fact, influence is the core component of absolutely every piece of quality marketing. 

None of your marketing has much of an impact if it doesn’t convince your audience to pay attention to you, your content and your message, in the first place. 

Marketing yourself needs to be able to motivate those around you to engage with you and be excited about your message. Marketing your products wants to be designed for clients to want to open-up emails, read blogs and contact you 

In short, your marketing has to be able to get inside the heads of your customers, to become a part of their inner dialogue, then encourage them to take an Action. 

 In fact, a piece of marketing without a clear objective is a mess of purposeless words and phrases. Without a message that influences, the message goes absolutely nowhere and remains hopelessly inactive and meaningless. 

For this reason, when we are presenting ourselves, creating content that is worth reading, watching, or listening to, whether we like the idea or not, we are always marketing. 

 Here are my Top 5 Marketing Tips: 

Know what is important to your audience

 Whether you are an executive or a Business Owner, a big part of being another person’s inner dialogue is to really understand who they are and what they are about. You have to fully step into their shoes, to see the world from their vantage point, and fully understand and respect their perspective. 

 What problem do they have and what is your solution to that problem? 

Only when you are clear on that, will you be able to move them to take the action you’d like them to take as part of what you have to offer. Marketing is showing how you or your product is the best at solving the Problem 

Do ask for the action

 According to research—the more choices we give people, the less happy they actually are. Too many options can create stress, confusion, overwhelm, and ultimately analysis paralysis. 

 So make it clear what you have to offer and want you want people to do, to get it. It is absolutely appropriate to simply tell your audience what to do. 

Use social proof

 When people see that other people are getting results that they crave for themselves, they pay attention. So, look for ways to showcase your client’s success stories, and ask them for testimonials. 

If you are in an executive position, connect with people around you that are influencers. Your ideas and work will be valued and outcomes spread more easily by influencers to those they influence. This increases the power of your position 

Be 1,000 percent trust-worthy

 To build (and maintain) your position and your audience’s trust always have their best interest in mind.  Be transparent and open about what you are doing, when you say you will do something, do it. 

 Here is an incredibly simple, yet constantly overlooked part of trust worthiness: 

Be on time! No matter who you have an appointment with, be on time. And if something gets in the way of keeping on time, let the other person know, BEFORE they start wondering where you are! 

Listen | Really Listen!

 Stop and listen to the challenges your team, colleagues or customers have. People need to know that you relate to them and understand the challenges and obstacles and how you help them overcome them.  

Most people just want to be heard. They want to know their thoughts and voice is important. Make the time to listen, repeat what is said, and make sure that way, you have understood. 

 Are you surprised at these tips? Did you expect information about Facebook advertising, website set up or email marketing? 

 Everything you do and say, and the way you look, is marketing. 

You want to create a consistent, coherent and clear impression and message about who you are, what you stand for, and what you offer. 

Your outcome should always be in your team’s or client’s best interest, knowing you have the solution they are looking for. 

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