Small business contribution celebrated at Shop Small showcase

The Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman Kate Carnell says small businesses have demonstrated the big impact they have on the economy and local communities at the American Express Shop Small showcase held at Parliament House last night.
The event, which encourages Australians to get behind small businesses by shopping small, was launched by Minister for Employment, Skills, Small and Family Business the Hon Michaelia Cash.
The Hon Shadow Minister for Small and Family Business Brendan O’Connor was also in attendance, along with industry stakeholders.
“The Shop Small showcase recognised Australian small businesses as the engine room of the economy and their positive contribution to our communities,” Ms Carnell said.
“Canberra was treated to a taste of the first-class customer service and connection with community that goes hand-in-hand with shopping at local small businesses.”
The showcase, featuring 14 small businesses from across Australia, comes ahead of the annual Shop Small campaign, which kicks off in November.
“Small businesses with less than 20 employees comprise 97% of all Australian businesses, employ more than 40% of the workforce and account for over one-third of the nation’s GDP,” Ms Carnell said.
“We know more than 40 cents in the dollar spent on small businesses flows back to the local community – that includes everything from wages to local residents, to sponsorships for local schools and sporting teams.
“That’s why it’s so important Australians back small business by shopping small and local. When small business thrives, so does the community and the broader economy.”
“My office is a proud supporter of the Shop Small campaign, and I urge everyone to buy local during this campaign and beyond.”
Media contact: Donna Acioli, 02 6121 5504 / 0413 935 792