SEO for Real Estate Investors: 5 Factors to Keep in Mind

The internet is easily the most prominent marketing space in the world today. It is therefore crucial for any business including those in the real estate field to have a presence in this space. Advancement in computer technology has enabled potential customers to search for what they want online. A real estate website content should be structured in such a way that it makes it easy for those seeking the products the estate company is selling can find them.
This means that the person designing the website should know how to write good SEO content and how to use other techniques that would make the content more visible. The knowledge of how to optimise your website’s visibility while important is not difficult to master.
The following are some of the real estate SEO tips and other strategies you can use to make sure that your website is visible to seekers.
1. Strategic keyword placement
The keyword is the word or phrase for which you want to be most recognised. The one you use shows the types of people you want to work with. If for example, you specialise in advising people on property investment in Thailand, people seeking to invest in real estate in that country are likely to search the phrase in google. To ensure they find you, make sure you locate the sentence as it is in strategic places on your website. Some suggestions include;
- The URL
- The page title
- On the page, itself, preferably several times
- In title of images.
When you have, the keyword appearing in these areas your page is likely to rank highly in the search engine.
2. Include a meta-description and meta-title
A meta title is a brief piece of information on what the post you have made is all about. This is what a person sees when your website gets listed by the search engine among others with the information they are looking for. Usually, a meta-description is no more than forty characters long. You should make sure that it is catchy because it often determines whether potential clients take an interest in your website or not. A meta description, on the other hand, gives a brief description of what is contained in the site. It is also displayed on the google page. If, for example, you specialise in commercial real estate it should be clear from your meta-title and meta-description. Your SEO friendly content may not be of much use if prospects are not interested in clicking on your website.
3. Maintain the right keyword density
It is essential to have your keyword in the page as indicated. It is also essential to maintain some balance. If the keyword appears too many times on one page, the search engine is likely to flag it as a case of keyword stuffing. This means that your website will no longer be visible to prospects. The right percentage is between 1 and 2% of the words in the article. The best way to achieve this ratio is by writing the article naturally and once you finish, go back through the article and insert the keywords in appropriate places. If the keywords appear not to fit in the article, people will no longer be interested in what to have to say. Although they will be looking for information on real estate and not professionally written articles, having incoherent articles with a disproportionate concentration of the keyword will make then lose confidence in you.
4. Use supportive phrasing
As artificial intelligence continues to increase, search engines are no longer using just the exact keywords that seekers are using. They are now using other information on users to provide them with the information they think would be useful to them. If, for example, a person is seeking information on property investment in Thailand and the search engine notes that the IP address is from outside Thailand, they are likely to show them websites with information on investment in Thailand for foreigners. This is because the person searching is probably a foreigner and they need to be informed on what they need without having to do a second search.
5. Use internal linking
Matters to do with real estate are usually related and complex this means that it is difficult for you to put everything you would like to tell your prospects on one page. You are, however, likely to have written about them in other articles. If for example, you are writing about real estate investment in Thailand for foreigners, you are likely to have written extensively on the tax system in another article or maybe about the areas recommended for foreigners to invest. Link those who visit your website to those pieces.
Understanding website optimisation in real estate and making it work for you could be your biggest coup yet. The business is progressively moving online. As a result, the property is being listed online more and more, and realtors no longer have to maintain many offices. Websites also present prospects with opportunities to communicate with the realtors for business. It is possible to conduct 90% of a transaction online. It is for this reason that every real estate business should have a good, well designed and optimised website.