Public Speaking Tips: Audience, Attitude, Audible

Whether you are networking, speaking to a client, presenting at a conference, having a conversation public speaking skills are an essential component to being a success in business.
Three essential items to be aware of in your Public Speaking journey to be an effective speaker.
Audience – always ask questions about your audience. Know who you are speaking to, what are they expecting to hear, what demographics are they? Are they going to be all male, all female or a mix? These questions are going to determine how you will create your presentation and often impact on how you present to the audience.
Check with the event or meeting coordinator – how many are expected to be in the audience. You really don’t want to turn up thinking you are presenting to ten then find an audience of hundred or think you are presenting to a hundred to find only ten. This especially impacts if you are going to be giving any handouts. A quick tip – have more handouts than expected numbers.
When presenting be aware of your audience – are they following your presentation and message? Involve them in your presentation; are they being distracted by your excess movement? Do you need to change pace to bring their attention back to you?
As a speaker you need an audience – be aware and treat them with respect.
Attitude – check your attitude – do you really want to be there? Are you committed to giving one hundred percent in you presentation? If you don’t want to be there giving a speech then why should your audience listen to you.
Your attitude will be reflected in everything you do – the way you move, the way you walk on to the stage or speaking area, the way you interact with the audience. Your confidence or lack of confidence will be reflected in your attitude. If you are not confident and feel that you should not be there then that is the attitude the audience will pick up on.
The only person who can change and control your attitude is you. You decide how you will react to any speaking challenges, if the microphone doesn’t work; your introduction is not good, technical difficulties arise, any audience issues. How you deal with these will decide if you are an effective speaker or not so effective. Which do you want to be?
Finally, you need to be Audible. If people can’t hear you speak then they can’t get your message. If you mumble or are not clear in your vocals they will not understand what you have to say.
Check the sound when you get your meeting room or venue, do you need to use the microphone, can they hear you at the back of the room?
Make it easy for your audience to hear what you have to say, to follow your message.