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  1. Importing from China: What You Need to Know
    So you've got a great business idea and with China's low production costs, you're set to start importing your new shiny thing. But what exactly is involved?...
  2. 5 Ways to Ensure You Always Hire the Right Person
    You must hire the right employees if you want to be successful in your business. When it comes to employee recruitment, you will never be able to please everyone in your organization since you will continu...
  3. Is a second job worth it?
    Is it worth it?...
  4. Get Lost and Love It
    There’s something to be said about heading off the beaten track in a city. ...
  5. Up Skill – How To Take The Next Step In your Business Career
    Contributed by: Fi Darby | Upskilled For women in business, planning is a well-honed skill. Most of us are used to seeking out opportunities and taking calculated risks in our business lives but how many o...
  6. How To Use Twitter Lists For Marketing
    There is no doubt Twitter is a very powerful social network for marketing. However, it can be quite a noisy place. This is why, thanks to the effective use of a Twitter list or several lists, you can easil...
  7. 5 Tips for Working With Instagram Influencers to Market Your Products
    Do you want to market your products online but don’t know where to start? Instagram influencers could be the answer. The rise of Instagram has ushered in a new era of marketing. No longer limited by ...
  8. Year End Tax Planning for 2020
    Leading up to 30 June the question on everyone’s lips is "How can I save tax?" Even in such unprecedented times as COVID-19 there are still many businesses thriving & looking for solutions for tax saving...
  9. Is listening Over Rated?
    Listening is a communication skill that can be taken for granted or missed in our everyday communication. Listening means “The process of listening in Communication when done well involves five stages:...
  10. Manage Your Inventory To Avoid Tying Up Your Cash!
    In our last blog post we did a deep dive into managing accounts payable to conserve cash. The fifth part of our series of blog posts on cash flow will do a deep dive into another cash flow driver – inven...
  11. What Makes Someone Difficult to Communicate With?
    One of the most popular questions I get is how can I deal with a ‘Difficult’ person? Each of you almost everyday will come across someone you find difficult to some degree.  Many of you a this...
  12. I Can’t Write
    I suspect there are very few people in the world who would claim to be naturally good at writing. Even published authors will often regale you with stories about how much hard work it took to get them wher...
  13. Australia’s Youth and the Future of Work
    Covid-19 has impacted the world of work more than any other event in recent history....
  14. 4 Easy Steps To Close The Super Gap
    Some really shocking facts: the average super account balance for women when they retire is $90,000 less than the average for men 90% of women will retire with inadequate savings to fund a ‘comfortable...
  15. Is Your Business Making Money?
    In my last blog post, we discovered how critical it is to practice good financial management in your business and the different reports you can get out of your accounting system to help you understand what...
  16. What Does it Mean if Someone Files an Opposition Against my Trademark?
       Throughout the years we have had many clients who have come to us after receiving notice that their trademark is being opposed. If you find yourself in this position, here’s what you need to...
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