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  1. Get Lost and Love It
    There’s something to be said about heading off the beaten track in a city. ...
  2. Power of Attorney – What Are They and Which Type Do I Need?
    A power of attorney allows a person (the attorney) to carry out acts in the name of another person (the principal)....
  3. Employers guide to Fringe Benefits Tax
    The ATO is targeting FBT...
  4. Employers Guide to Fringe Benefits
    What do Fringe Benefits mean to you as an Employer?...
  5. Intellectual Property in Fashion
    Protecting your brand never goes out of style....
  6. How To Effectively Use Twitter Influencers To Grow Your Brand
    More and more brands on social networks are actively looking to partner with social influencers in order to increase their reach and brand awareness. Social influencers are usually: Self-made internet sta...
  7. Homeschooling 101: 4 Useful Tips for Parents
    I’m sure you can all agree with me when I say the last two years have thrown quite a few curve balls our way. Not to mention adding homeschooling children, particularly the littlies into the mix, it can ...
  8. How to Find The Right Online Marketing Agency in 2020
       Digital Agencies need to understand an organization or an item well to be able to promote, expand and grow it. Various factors are considered before choosing these agencies. In this essay, we ...
  9. How to Use Twitter Automation to Increase Your Followers by 200%
    Like any other social network, managing a Twitter account can be quite time consuming. Between following new users, following back followers, responding to direct messages, and tweeting, it can easily take...
       Imagine having to replace and re-brand every single item in your business? Think about the logistics of replacing everything with your name and logo....
  11. Year End Tax Planning for 2020
    Leading up to 30 June the question on everyone’s lips is "How can I save tax?" Even in such unprecedented times as COVID-19 there are still many businesses thriving & looking for solutions for tax saving...
  12. Weight Loss does Not Equal Happiness
    Often people believe that if they lose those few extra kilograms that it will lead to them feeling happier with themselves and their lives. ...
  13. Refresher on the SMSF collectables rules
    What can a SMSF own...
  14. Selling a business? Our tips to maximise value
    Sooner or later most business owners reach a point when they start thinking about moving on....
  15. Run Better to Avoid Injury, it’s all in the Breathing!
         For many amateur runners, there is little thought given to how we breathe when running....
  16. Does Every Business Owner Need A Coach?Β 
    Successful athletes need the right coaches, and in the world of the entrepreneur, the best of the best probably have access to and work with a business coach....
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