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  1. Employers guide to Fringe Benefits Tax
    The ATO is targeting FBT...
  2. Employers Guide to Fringe Benefits
    What do Fringe Benefits mean to you as an Employer?...
  3. How to use Google Ads to grow your business?
    Google Ads is an online advertising platform that allows businesses of all sizes to promote their products or services on the world’s largest search engine. Google Ads can be incredibly effective for dri...
  4. How to Find The Right Online Marketing Agency in 2020
       Digital Agencies need to understand an organization or an item well to be able to promote, expand and grow it. Various factors are considered before choosing these agencies. In this essay, we ...
  5. Five Things to Consider When Trademarking Overseas
    With the internet opening up so many opportunities to do business globally, it’s vital that you consider how you are protecting your brand overseas from the outset. If there is the tiniest chance that yo...
  6. What Are Website Terms of Use?
    Terms of use for a website are legal terms that govern, or attempt to govern, the use of the website by a user of the website. ...
  7. Using eBooks To Promote Your Business
    Sharing useful information and resources is a sure way to elevate your profile and build your credibility. CATRIONA POLLARD discusses the benefits to be gained by writing your own ebook and distributing it...
  8. A Case Study In Successful Rebranding
    When Dr Elizabeth Kirk, Beyond Ergo decided to rebrand her specialised ergonomic business, she consulted with Seriously Trademarks (now merged with Baxter IP) for assistance with trademarking her new name....
  9. How to Choose the Right SEO Agency for Your Business
    SEO is essential in building an online presence for your company. However, bad SEO can be a huge setback to your business. ...
  10. I Can’t Afford to Publish a Book…
    Many people disregard the idea of publishing a book because they are worried about how much it will cost. But the truth is it can vary from just a few dollars to thousands of dollars. If you’re not overl...
  11. There Are So Many Books Already; How Will Anyone Ever Find Mine?
    Keep it in perspective. Think about your existing customer relationships rather than the ivory tower of bestselling authors. Who do you want to see your book? Who should see your book? Who would be an advo...
  12. The “Airbnb” tax
    Property investors that choose to utilise their property for short-term stays (or leave it vacant) are firmly in the sights of the regulators....
  13. Oh no – $13,000 and 8 months later still no book in sight!
    Desperate to deliver on promises made to clients, equally frustrated that her money was lost, and felt that she had entered into a water-tight contract! Read how to avoid that with your book.....
  14. Personal Branding is The New Marketing – Are You on Board?
    It can be hard to get ahead in today’s competitive business environment, but one way to go from unknown to expert and stand out from the crowd is showcasing what makes you unique. That’s where personal...
  15. Six Common Trade Marks Questions Answered
    I find it very rewarding to assist clients in identifying, protecting and managing their trade marks....
  16. How to Let Your Personal Style Shine Through Interiors
    Choosing the right furniture and decor for your home can be a fantastic way to channel your inner creativity and allow your personality to shine through your interiors. While there are indeed numerous inte...
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