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  1. Selling a business
    Our tips to maximise value...
  2. The Top 4 Twitter Tools Every Business Owner Should Use
    Thereโ€™s no doubt Twitter is a very effective marketing tool. Not only is it a great one-to-one communication channel, it is also a very effective one-to-many communication channel. What this means, is as...
  3. Book Writing – Why Would Anyone Be Interested In What I Have To Say?
    The fact that you are in business suggests that people are interested in what you have to say, and would be interested to read a book written by you. Understanding what you have to say goes to the heart of...
  4. Relationship Health Check: With Your Daughter
    Here you are, you have made it through the era of grocery store temper tantrums, subconsciously memorizing all the songs and dances to the Wiggles and learning ABCs. ...
  5. What Leverage Does A Book Give My Business?
    Writing a book has so many benefits for your business. The process of putting your content into a cohesive order will force you to think carefully about the goals and processes of your business, the custom...
  6. Book Writing – Why Would Anyone Be Interested In What I Have To Say?
    The fact that you are in business suggests that people are interested in what you have to say, and would be interested to read a book written by you. Understanding what you have to say goes to the heart of...
  7. The Top 3 Marketing Tools to Make Sales Online
    Whether you sell physical or digital products, youโ€™re likely to have a website. Some business owners spend a lot of money on their website and some spend very little, the common mistake both make, is not...
  8. The #1 Secret to a Healthy Business
       The number one secret to having a healthy business is making sure that YOU are healthy!...
  9. Your Unconscious Blueprints Are Your Answer (An introduction)
    If you have questions about your relationship issues at home, at work or with yourself, then your answers can be found by uncovering, exploring and optimizing your unconscious blueprints....
  10. How to pitch to journalists (Part two) – It’s all about YOU
    What? โ€œBut you just told us that Itโ€™s not about You,โ€ I hear you asking. Now that youโ€™ve learnt how not to make your pitch about you and your business (Part one), let me introduce you to an all-im...
  11. Find your own Fountain: Content Marketing Ideas
    Would you believe me if I said there was a fountain of ideas flowing freely all around you? All you have have to do is grab a bucket, start capturing them, and put them to good use in your content marketin...
  12. I Already Have So Much Content, Why Would I Want A Book As Well?
    Fantastic! Having too much content is unlikely to be a problem. In fact, itโ€™s a blessing because it means youโ€™re half way there with your writing. Hereโ€™s a checklist of items that you can use to get ...
  13. Twitter Tracking Tips To Increase Conversions
    There is no doubt that Twitter is no longer just a micro-blogging site, or an extension of a businessโ€™s website. Twitter has become a very important marketing channel for businesses. It not only enables ...
  14. But There Are Already So Many Books on This Topic…
    It would be almost impossible to find a topic that hasnโ€™t already been written about in some way. But this is not a reason to not write a book. In fact it is a reason to write your book. American life co...
  15. What Happens To Superannuation When You Die?
    Easier to plan now then their be a fight later ...
  16. How to Use Social Media to Get New Business
    In today's business climate, having a strong social media presence is more important than ever. Your potential customers are spending more and more time on social media platforms, so it stands to reason th...
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