Search results

  1. ATO’s final position on trust distributions
    This is a biggie.......
  2. What Happens To Superannuation When You Die?
    Easier to plan now then their be a fight later ...
  3. The Best European Destinations for Incentive Travel
    Incentive trips are the best way to reward top-performing employees and show them you value their hard work. Sending your employees to some of Europe’s most incredible destinations is the best way to...
  4. Run Better to Avoid Injury, it’s all in the Breathing!
         For many amateur runners, there is little thought given to how we breathe when running....
  5. Build Your Property Portfolio Faster — Buy With a Buddy
       Building a property investment portfolio is a dream for so many women seeking to achieve financial independence....
  6. Understanding User Intent and Search Words for Google Ads
    Google Ads is a great way to promote your business and get in front of potential customers. However, in order to make the most of this tool, it’s important to understand user intent and search words. In ...
  7. Succession planning for a family business
    What does it take to hand your business to the next generation?...
  8. Online Marketing Channels for a Cash for Car Business
    Online presence is critical for any business that intends to garner a large following of clients. Whether you are fresh or established in the old car buying business, there are a few things that you need t...
  9. When to engage a building Project Manager
       If you are building a new home or doing a renovation on your house, how do you decide if you need a project manager?...
  10. Canva… a digital platform I call my ‘best friend’!
    Four years ago, Canva was not a word I knew of, in fact, I had no need to know it. But after diving into the world of content creation, it VERY quickly became a support I could not live without. Why? Well,...
  11. Top MBA Colleges For Women In Australia
    The educational system in Australia has a lot to offer to those who want to study business. Any career that is related to finance can be very lucrative, especially when you find the right course that can s...
  12. What Really Drives Cash Flow In Your Business?
    In my last blog post we discovered how critical cash flow is to the survival of your business and the difference between cash and profit. The second part of our series of blog posts on ‘Cash FlowR...
  13. Power of Attorney – What Are They and Which Type Do I Need?
    A power of attorney allows a person (the attorney) to carry out acts in the name of another person (the principal)....
  14. How to Prevent Website Hacking – Top 10 tips
    One of the worst experiences a business can have is for their website to be hacked. Consider the loss to your business if your website security was breached....
  15. 5 Things to Keep in Mind When Doing SEO for Financial Services
    It should come as no surprise that people search for banks near them online quite a bit. When you’re on the go, and you want a location for a nearby banking operation, it makes sense to do a quick search...
  16. Sub-Contractors Are Great — What Are The Risks?
         Tips on contracts, sub-contractors and how they can impact your Insurance....
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