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  1. Optimal Sleep Hygiene
    Good quality sleep is dependent on several different elements coming together. To get that all-important quality sleep that you desire, you need to get into certain habits relating to your schedule, start ...
  2. What You Don’t Know May Hurt Your Business in China (Part 1)
    When you are the customer, it might be safe to say that more adjustments are expected from your supplier than you.  It’s much easier to relax and not worry too much about making mistakes if your busines...
  3. Is listening Over Rated?
    Listening is a communication skill that can be taken for granted or missed in our everyday communication. Listening means “The process of listening in Communication when done well involves five stages:...
  4. PART 2 Three Ways to Fail-safe Your Prized Relationships – At Home And At Work (6 part series).
       It's easier to mend a relationship than to find a brand new one and start afresh. Consider the emotional and financial cost of divorce, of sacking and hiring staff, of 'breaking up' with a jo...
  5. Naturopathic Medicine for Fertility and Women’s Health
    Unlock the power of nature with Naturopathic Medicine, enhancing fertility and championing women's health through holistic, sustainable, and compassionate care tailored to every unique journey....
  6. Why Perfectionism is a Lie
    Is perfectionism real, or is it just an adaptation of an underlying feeling or characteristic? Here at Navig8Biz, we unveil six truths hiding behind the guise of perfectionism and key strategies to overcom...
  7. The “Airbnb” tax
    Property investors that choose to utilise their property for short-term stays (or leave it vacant) are firmly in the sights of the regulators....
  8. The Right Stuff: How Personality Influences Career Success
    Studies have shown that nearly 3 out of 4 students will change their major at least once during their University career. Sometimes the change is prompted by lack of aptitude in the chosen profession, but m...
  9. Marketing and Advertising: What’s the Difference?
    Marketing and Advertising are often used interchangeable but in reality they are not. Advertising is only one part of Marketing. Marketing is the complete process from researching who the customers are, ...
  10. Personal Branding is The New Marketing – Are You on Board?
    It can be hard to get ahead in today’s competitive business environment, but one way to go from unknown to expert and stand out from the crowd is showcasing what makes you unique. That’s where personal...
  11. Is Your Workplace Really Accessible?
    Accessibility in the workplace is a hot topic in business today and rightly so. Everything from software availability and hardware installation, to making sure that your office is actually accessible to so...
  12. Is Your Business Making Money?
    In my last blog post, we discovered how critical it is to practice good financial management in your business and the different reports you can get out of your accounting system to help you understand what...
  13. 5 Ways You Can Lose Money by Not Trademarking Your Brand
    Trademarks can be considered a significant expense, especially for small businesses and start-ups. However, there is a good chance you could end up spending a lot more money if you don’t register them. ...
  14. Introducing Your Unconscious Blueprint
    Put simply, your Unconscious Blueprint(TM) is your internal image programming your behaviour. Like any programme, it needs updating regularly to ensure you perform at your optimum level. If you’ve re...
  15. Culture Matters!
    There are many definitions of culture but the one I like the best was stated by a 5-year-old on an ABC program my daughter was watching. “Culture is the personality of the place you live”. This sums up...
  16. 5 Signs You Are Self-Sabotaging Your Health
    Whenever you are struggling in any area of your life, take that as a sign it’s time to stop.  As long as you are ploughing on, ignoring the issue as much as possible as you scrape through, day by day, n...
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