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  1. What Makes Someone Difficult to Communicate With?
    One of the most popular questions I get is how can I deal with a ‘Difficult’ person? Each of you almost everyday will come across someone you find difficult to some degree. ย Many of you a this...
  2. Certification Marks are Different from your Standard Trademarks
    A certification mark is a form of trademark with a lengthier and more complex application process. However, the ongoing benefits of a certification mark make the procedure worthwhile, and worth the effort...
  3. How to Effectively Use Twitter Mentions and @replies For Marketing
    As effective as Twitter is to build an audience, grow brand awareness and generate traffic and leads, this micro-blogging platform can be quite confusing and not that self explanatory. Reading tweets from ...
  4. Geographical Indications – Not Just Your Average Trade Mark
    If you have an appreciation for wining and dining, you are likely to be familiar with many names that are protected by Geographical Indications. ...
  5. How to shorten your sales cycle
    One of the biggest complaints from salespeople in a tight economy is the time it takes to achieve a sale.ย  So, what can you do to speed up the sales process? Sell the solution not the product Branding is ...
  6. Top Five Mistakes a Trademark Beginner Makes
    Over recent months, our firm has been dealing with clients who have attempted to trademark their brand themselves and have not been successful. In some cases, they were the cause of their disastrousย attem...
  7. Speeding Up Book Writing with AI: 3 Things you need to know
    AI can significantly speed up your book-writing process. Many of you might wonder, โ€œCan AI really write a book for me?โ€ The short answer is: Yes, absolutely. But the degree to which it can speed up you...
  8. Do It Your Way in China
    Thereโ€™s more than one way to skin a cat, if you can pardon the clichรฉ. I am tempted to use it now just to emphasize to you how something so evident can often be overlooked. It is easy to find people who...
  9. Remote Vs. On-Site Vs. Hybrid: What’s The Best Work Model For You?
    Remote and hybrid work have opened up a lot of opportunities for working women in Australia. Not only do these modern work models allow parents to continue working alongside raising a family, but they also...
  10. The Key to Sustainable and Transparent Corporate Governance
    More than ever, boards of directors are devoting more time to carrying out their mandates and supervising a greater variety of issues. The expectations that are put on board members are rising in an enviro...
  11. What does it take to be Visible with your Content Online?
    You are writing blog posts, social media posts, articles, your book, to have people read it, don't you? ...
  12. The Power of Collaboration In Content Marketing
    When it comes to your content marketing strategy, donโ€™t underestimate the power of collaboration. Whether you are creating web content, sending out an eNewsletter, or publishing a book, there are many po...
  13. Two Things to Know About Trademarks
    Trademarks are the identity of businesses, brands and individuals.ย More and more, people and companies are relying on trademarks to protect their image, and maintain airtight branding. Whether you are a s...
  14. Results can be fabricated, detailed explanations not so easily
    Don't just tell people that your clients get great results and share testimonials. Share what you did for them to achieve the result. What exactly did you do differently? What did that look like? Write a B...
  15. The Psychology of Retail: Understanding Consumer Behaviour to Drive Sales
    Understanding how customers operate is the centre of any good business operation. A retail business stands or falls on the regularity of its sales, which stands and falls on the clientele and their opinion...
  16. Treat Your House Like Your Business
    The same keys that unlock business success, can help make housework much more manageable!...
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