WNA Blog

Mon 17 Jun 2019

Networking – Collaboration and Connection or Competition and Challenges?

Networks, Directories & Networking
Do you understand how a negative thought-form regarding 'competitors' can affect the bottom line of your business without you even being aware.

You can use language intention to turn a competitor into a potential collaborator.

How do you view your colleagues or other businesses, as competitors or as potential collaborations? Everything we do, say, think or feel has an energy imprint. That energetic imprint forms the basis of our default response reaction. The vibration given to these imprints also looks for and recognise the same vibration in others because it feels familiar and comfortable. A positive imprint begets a positive/high value; a negative imprint begets a negative/low value. Simple logic really!  

Imagine this imprint also connects energetically to an ‘emotional’ state. The brain, our personal master computer, provides a storage solution to all the imprints, emotions and conditions relating to a situation. Under any form of threat or danger, the brain automatically ignites the flight/fight primitive survival response. This response tells us to fight or run! There is no great capacity at this point for creative thinking or options for a better solution.  

“Alone we can do so little: together we can do so much” – Helen Keller 

A business owner is constantly looking to grow their business by searching for potential customers, so they market their business as the best option for that customer. If you don’t think you are the best solution, then why should the potential customer? Many business owners can often view other business/owners as threats to this process, especially if they are in a similar or related business. The energetic vibrational value of a threat is a negative one. The emotion has a similar negative vibration and could include words such as competition, challenge, threat, anger, negative self-belief, indignation, rage, discontentment, envy or judgmental. These types of emotions have a low vibrational energy.  

Education and knowledge are a powerful way to raise your vibrational energy to a higher consciousness. Identify the negative emotion, rethink and retrain your instinctive response to ‘competition’ to one of possible collaboration and confidence. Use language intention to change the negative thought-form to a positive thought-form. It is not about giving your customers away to another business; it is about being in a better and more productive mindset to stand out.  

One of the easiest tools to use in the growth of your business, regardless of being an established business or a start-up, is networking. Networking gives you the opportunity to be inspired, find a supportive tribe, helps to educate by providing relevant speakers and by empowering the networker to be more confident. Networking also gives you a way to meet other, similar passionate business owners who might be a perfect option for a collaboration, have the product or knowledge that could help grow your business, know the name of a great contact or be able to introduce you to a key person.  

At a networking or business function, you are the face and energy of your business. Be present by showing a high vibrational energy, listen attentively and be supportive. Networking events are hosted by professional business bodies, peer support groups, specialised network businesses, common interest groups or any group that supports and uplifts. However if you leave a networking event feeling overwhelmed, bullied or even uninspired, it may not be your tribe. Investigate other potential groups in your region or area of interest.  

“Women supporting each other, instead of competing against each other, brings a unity and strength like no other.” – Julie Spira 

The month of March includes International Women’s Day, a day of the celebration on the achievements of women and girls around the globe. It provides and opportunity to work together to showcase and collaborate in the form of events and forums, social media sharing and by discussions among workers. Many and varied events are held during that time, however each has a common theme; one of unity and togetherness, connection and collaboration. The energetic vibration of the celebration is one of high positivity and inspires others to feel the same. It acknowledges the journey made through the efforts of others, sometimes by the small steps of a single person, that have grown into bigger steps by collaboration and the collective difference that can be made by many voices.  

“None of us, including me, ever do great things. But we can all do small things with great love, and together we can do something wonderful.” Mother Teresa 

One of the prime jobs of a business owner is to ensure the success, growth and ongoing survival of the business. This is easier to achieve when you have a positive vibrational imprint of how you perceive/judge other businesses. Raise your vibrational energy to one of connect and collaborate, and you will grow and succeed.  

“Women helping each other – coaching, mentoring and providing tips – is a great way for us to be our own force.” – Indra Nooyi .

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