Networking and Connecting with Your Tribe

Business connections and collaborations will see your business grow.
Connect – Grow – Succeed – Collaborate
“When what used to work at work no longer works, it’s time to change our ways of thinking – and think of ways of changing.” Catherine DeVrye
Networking is a life skill, not just something we do when we want something. Great networkers give without exception, do things for others – not to get something back, believing in making the pie bigger for everyone. They cross network with competitors and regularly give away referrals.
I like to refer to them as Balcony People. Balcony People always seek opportunities or make opportunities – they are the enablers. They have the abundance and gratitude attitude – that there is plenty of business out there and unlimited networking opportunities. These are just some of the key ingredients that will make you a successful networker.
Are limiting beliefs affecting positive outcomes in your life? Then go find your Balcony People and connect with your Tribe. Your Tribe are the like-minded people who together will connect and collaborate. Which in turn will assist you to grow and succeed in business. As women we want to see each other be successful. If we trust you, referrals will happen tenfold.
Women’s Network Australia (WNA) is designed to be inclusive but exclusive, which also means that the group won’t appeal to everyone. After being associated with similar events, I find that many people resonated with the collaborative business approach and the soft networking style. What I detest is the ‘smash and grab’ people, the ones that only push their own products and agendas and no reciprocal approach to others. This is not only a vibe killer it can spoil what we are trying to achieve in the collaborative approach to business success.
I’ve met a cross section of people through the school community, corporate, small business and Associations I’ve been involved with. I have met some truly inspirational people. Most of these people work in satellite office from home, one-person operators or just don’t have the opportunity to connect with other businesses on a regular basis.
As the CEO of Women’s Network Australia (WNA) we aim to create and foster an environment where you can speak openly about your business or career, your feelings (they are facts) and what you want to achieve. WNA want you to leave the events that we host feeling like you’ve gotten value and that you are not on your journey alone.
Remember to follow up with any new connections you make. Continue to build those relationships. If you enjoyed the event – tell your friends and colleagues. Invite them along to the next event as your guest. There isn’t a need to send out a bulk email – pick up the phone and make the call. Say Hello – who knows where that connection may lead you both. These are just some simple ways to Connect Grow and Succeed in your business while helping others to do the same.