MBA Update from Scholarship Awardee Kath Kemp

Well, that is Technology Leadership done and dusted. What an incredible journey to go on. It was literally life-changing and business-changing in that it changed the way that I look at the future of my small business, where I want to take it and the way I look at my own capabilities. This is timely with my new website in design, which will be launched later this year. Like I have said a few times on this journey of discovery, you don’t know what you don’t know until you do know!
I have always shied away from anything technology-related and generally have outsourced most jobs related to being tech-literate. However, as we learnt in the third module of the MBA, if you don’t get on board and grasp the immensely fast-paced changes happening in business and technology with both hands, you will be left behind. It’s so intense that I feel like I have already been left behind because once you start scratching at the surface, you need to be careful of being overwhelmed and work on taking one step at a time, which is going to help you grow and expand your business.
I’m certain there are amazing women in our network who can advise and guide us. I’ve already spoken with the amazing Joanne Brooks about it and will seek her guidance again when I’m ready to move forward. Don’t ever doubt what you’re capable of. I have constantly surprised myself with the results of my MBA and am really feeling more at ease with it all now. I do have super academics and interesting content from Ducere Global Business School, and it has become a big part of my life.
Speaking of which, do you want to know something weird? I had two weeks in between Tech Leadership and this new module, and you know what? I kept checking my inbox to see when the course content would drop! I think I missed studying and was keen to get started. I find that so strange after being desperate for a break.
I have now started Strategic Leadership, and something has already piqued my interest. They are talking about leading in the ‘knowledge era’, I am presuming this is the new era of leadership where we are more informed humans and don’t lead from above, telling people what to do, but rather lead by guiding, inspiring, empowering others by leveraging their strengths, collaborating, and creating a positive and inclusive work environment.
When asked, I defined leadership as inspiring others to be the best they can be by listening to them and tailoring one’s approach to each individual’s specific needs and role. What do you think?
I found this definition by David Rubenstein, which I thought was great; “A leader is someone who makes something happen that wouldn’t have happened otherwise.” I relate to this a lot as an SME and as an event coordinator, but I feel like you could relate it to most things. It just made me think.
Now, to learn from the academic professionals what their take on leadership is.