WNA Blog

Tue 12 Jul 2022

Making Content Easy

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How’s your customer engagement? Running a business is pretty hectic at the best of times before even thinking about something clever to say every day on social media. We know it needs to be done, but it’s just another thing that gets pushed to the bottom of the pile until we’ve dealt with everything else, because if everything’s a priority, nothing’s a priority, right?

Content doesn’t have to be as difficult or time consuming as we imagine. Let’s try something together. Grab your notepad and come with us on a journey for five minutes.

Think about the latest product or service you’ve launched. Now you’re at a party telling all your friends about it. What are you excited to tell them? Would some friends be interested in different things to others? If you had to narrow down the five most relatable aspects of your product, what would they be?

Congratulations! You’ve just planned some content.

Let’s say you identified three things that would appeal to different friends (we know there are more!) and narrowed down five relatable aspects (OK, you can put a couple extra in, too) you now have at least eight things to talk about. High five! That’s a week’s worth of posts, but how do you talk about them?

Off the top of our heads, there’s short videos, static posts, articles and media releases: a whole web of content you can take advantage of to serve in different places, the way people like to consume it.

Yep. We see the problem, too. You don’t have new products every week and time is short. You need something to generate content for you. Have you thought about a podcast?

Podcasting has evolved way past two dudes in a shed talking about beer. There are all sorts of formats and subjects available now. Check out Reframe Of Mind for an honest conversation about Mental Health, or That Entertainment Podcast which has a simple brief: chat to someone about what they’re doing in under half an hour.

By hosting your own podcast, you not only boost your content by inviting people from your network to have a chat, it’s also great for making new connections. And the best bit? You have a regular supply of new things to talk about, and shareability increases because every podcast episode delivers between 15 and 20 reusable assets (think back to that content web).

Keen to start your own content web? Click here to grab our free content web starter guide to help get you started, and if you’re short on time and need some help, Louise and Andy are here for you. We love making content easy!

Words by Louise Poole & Andy Le Roy, Welcome Change Media

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