Getting into it and used to it…

Apart from the rolling juga nought that is a degree, with various sized ‘discussion’ submissions due every week, I am enjoying the content of my MBA. Our subject at the moment is Strategic Marketing, which I have to admit, I thought I would be across to a certain extent, but there is so much depth and detail to the subject, with a myriad of different aspects to each approach, that my head is swimming! So many tools like SWOT, the 4P (or 7, apparently!), IMC, the AIDA model, value propositions and so on with acronyms coming out of my ears!
Taking a peek into how the ‘big corporates’ do it with video lectures by incredible people at the top of the field, both academically and currently working in these positions, has been fascinating. It’s my favourite part of the research, hearing real-life scenarios played out by these incredible professionals. It’s interesting how these concepts can be applied to a small business like mine. Our first assignment is to delve deeply into a campaign to take my company to the global market. I hadn’t even thought of that as an option, but here I am researching the possibility.
I haven’t received any marks just yet, which is good;(yikes). As I progress, I realise mistakes I’ve made along the way as I get used to APA 7 referencing and citing and so on, so I’ll probably lose some points there. Last night I had a Teams call with one of the Ducere support people, Tara, she was amazing and so generous with her time and information. She, herself, has just handed in her final assignment for the MBA and was able to steer me toward a couple of very helpful hints, such as using Scribbr and the paid version of Grammarly. She explained the best way to utilise them and reassured me about keeping at it and staying on track, which can be difficult on days when Ms Imposter Syndrome wants to knock on your door as you juggle full-time work, family and study.
There are some amazing people in my cohort with a hugely diverse range of companies and skills, I feel very privileged to be undertaking this journey. Now, back to research!
Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash