WNA Blog

Thu 10 Jan 2019

Ditch The Bitch And Think Yourself Slim

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So much of our relationship with food and eating comes from our childhood and societal programming and beliefs. Eating is meant to be a simple, pleasurable process to nourish and energise our bodies, so we then can get on with dealing with Life, with all its ups and downs. Eating and food have sadly become a tangled mess with all aspects of our life, so we end up creating health issues, more stress, negative self-image and self-talk and limiting our choices daily.

There are many reasons why you might be carrying extra fat storage on your body, and I’ll cover those more in subsequent blogs. For now, understand that self-talk is self-programming, so you can put your self-talk to good use when it comes to reconnecting with your inner self and reaching your healthy body size. Here are five ideas you can implement right now.

  1. Next time you start thinking of eating, check-in with yourself. “Am I hungry for food? Or something else?” If you are genuinely hungry for food, then eat whatever gives your body pleasure and nourishment just until you stop being hungry. That is before feeling ‘full’, so eat slowly, savouring your food, so you have a chance of noticing when you are no longer hungry. This way of eating increases your pleasure. Feeling full is an uncomfortable feeling which negates the joy of the food you ate.
  2. Perhaps you are thirsty, in which case drink water. Or perhaps you are hungry for love, security, action, starting or stopping, rest, reassurance or emotional release? Eating food to stuff the emotions down, instead of fulfilling those needs, will keep those negative emotions locked in your fat cells, to be released and dealt with later. So, decide if it’s best to be brave and sort it out now, or lug it around on your body for later. It’s perfectly okay and sensible to seek expert help to clear emotional pain and programming from your past.
  3. Play a game next time you eat out or plan your meals at home. Ask yourself, “What would a slim, healthy person choose?” and look for that. Don’t be surprised if you see items at your local café you’ve never noticed before. If you think of yourself as overweight, fat or plump, then you will choose foods that re-enforce that identity, and block out the rest. (Note: updating your unconscious blueprint, that is, your internal image of yourself, to one that is a slim and healthy version of you, is a fast, empowering way to support your desires. See my book, “The Face Within: How To Change Your Unconscious Blueprint™”)
  4. Instead of telling yourself, “Salad is boring. I don’t like vegetables.” Say, “There are so many types of salads I’ll find plenty I like. Even though my head doesn’t like vegetables, the rest of my body does. Majority rules.” Changing how the vegetables are cooked, or eaten raw, can shift how you feel about them too. As a child, I hated cauliflower as my mother over-boiled it. Eating it in a cheese sauce, lightly steamed, stir-fried and also raw shifted how I feel about it. Notice the difference for yourself and how it becomes more comfortable over time.
  5. Tell yourself, “I can eat/buy that later when I’m really hungry.” And then distract yourself with more fun or nurturing activities, which are more likely to fulfil your real needs. It’d be a shame if you forgot to get back to eating it. Note, it’s ‘I can’, not ‘I will’. Permission rather than intention. This is important. You can have total choice over what you eat when you are hungry for food, but you don’t want to programme yourself into eating unnecessary food.

So much of our relationship with food and eating comes from our childhood and societal programming and beliefs. Eating is meant to be a simple, pleasurable process to nourish and energise our bodies, so we then can get on with dealing with Life, with all its ups and downs. Eating and food have sadly become a tangled mess with all aspects of our life, so we end up creating health issues, more stress, negative self-image and self-talk and limiting our choices daily.

If you’d like to reconnect with your gut wisdom, regain your Goldilocks (just right for you) body for life, without dieting, pills or potions, then the mBraining Innergetics programme is worth checking out. Take the quiz to see for yourself or ask me directly. I shed 12 kgs while studying programme certification.

. https://mailchi.mp/growingcontent/quiz


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