WNA Blog


Tue 10 Dec 2019

Designing for you or the future owners

Design & Illustration
If you are renovating or building who do you think of when making your design selections?

There have been a few occasions over the years when I’ve been sitting with a residential client discussing the concept and look of their home renovation and they suddenly hit a wall of panic. They realize that all the beautiful pictures they’ve have been merrily saving to their Pinterest or Houzz boards, may not be appropriate for the next owners of their house.

This almost paralyses them like a deer in headlights. They can’t work out what they should do.

If you are renovating to sell in the next couple of years that will put different spin on the design process- which is a topic for another day.

So here is my advice based on almost 30 years of interior design experience. Forget about future owners and design for you.

There seems to be a general misconception that people don’t like change, that they fearful of new and trendy things. Well… they aren’t. Do not underestimate or worry about offending future owners. The fact is that most of us are attracted to new, interesting and unique.

I have never had a client ask for a house design that looks like all the neighbours. We all want a point of difference, that WOW factor when our friends walk in the door and a home that reflects us.

A good designer will combine all your ideas and your wish list and create a cohesive end result. We will steer you in the right direction and know when to gently apply the brakes to make it all work.

Be bold and confident and take a chance because that’s when it will really start to shine. Live your life, not the one you imagine for people in the future. I always tell clients that you must be able walk in the door everyday and know that you absolutely love your house.

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