WNA Blog



Thu 10 Dec 2020

Bad Retail Experiences

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Ahh, the old BC days- and I do not mean Before Children.

Like many people now, I have become more economical with my outings to the shops.

Whiling away the afternoon at the large shopping centre is something that I am now cautious about and given this attitude, when I do go to the shops, I want my time and experience to be well spent.


I guess that’s why lately the bad retail experiences have become more memorable. I am sure I am not the only person noticing the unfavourable and the outright dumb.

Here are some on my list.

  1. The national chain of furniture, white goods and computers, who every time you take a small appliance back because of a fault within its warranty period, the sales staff act as though you are taking money from their own pocket. The try everything under the sun to refuse a refund or to replace the item. This is when you need to stand firm and start quoting the consumer law, then they change their tune. But it should not be an issue in the first place. I have voted with my feet and do not shop there now. I also advise clients not to. Cudo’s to another large national retailer who makes refunds so easy. Thank you.
  2. The national chain who has greeters at the door who can be stupid. Years ago when I had my bub, toddler and pre schooler in tow I would be struggling to pull out a wedged in trolley with one hand while holding a baby and the amount of times the greeters would watch me from 2 meters away and never once did a thing. OMG Peeps- use your initiative and help your customers.
  3. The national chains who ask to do bag checks for stolen goods. The other day for my own amusement I let someone check my bag. When I commented that they would not know what they were looking for anyway, I was confidently assured they would. Well let me assure you that the 4 items in my handbag which had been previously purchased in that very store were not noticed, and they were quite large.
  4. The staff on personal calls or chatting with each other and it is just far too important to stop themselves and serve customers.
  5. My all-time fave- coffee shops who close at 2pm. If only they knew the incredible afternoon and after school market they were missing. It is great to catch the morning coffee drinkers and the super early up with the bird’s tradies, but after 3 come the add on sales and the up sales. It is not just 1 coffee for mum, but milkshakes and cakes/ snacks all round. The cafes open after 3 already know this secret.

Well done to all the other retailers who have seen and grasped the opportunities and the ones who go above and beyond with service. That includes my local pool shop where they remember my name and the intricacies of my pool and filter. You have got repeat customers for life.

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