business consulting and coaching
Leda van der Post
Mindset Coach
The CREATiVE JOURNEY specialises in helping business teams and individuals unlock their creative potential so that they can thrive in a way that aligns with their values and purpose.
Leda works with individuals, teams and organisations to build Creative Intelligence (CQ) as an ongoing practice so it becomes a more habitual way of thinking and being at work and in their personal lives.
THE CREATiVE JOURNEY offers different learning modes: in groups or on your own; short bursts or a more long-term option; online or in-person.
Areas of Expertise
- • Creative Intelligence (CQ) and Creative Mindset
- • Team building and motivation
- • Creative self-care and self-expression
- • Professional speaking
- • Workshop design and facilitation
- • E-learning design
Education and Qualifications
- 2011 - PhD (Integrative Education)
- 2009 - Master of Arts (Computer Science Education)
- 1988 - Higher Diploma in Education
- 1985 - Bachelor of Arts in Fine Art
Articles on Women's Network
- 3 Tips for Developing Creative Intelligence
- Why developing your CREATiViTY is important for your business
Member to Member Offer
Especially for WNA Members, a complimentary one hour interactive CREATiVE CONVERSATiON, via Zoom, delivering a burst of CREATiVE energy.