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  1. COVER
  2. 5 things you can do today to fix your website
    When your website is in good shape, it will continue performing for you. Here are 5 things you can fix today that will help increase conversions....
  3. Superannuation changes from 1 July 2021
    What can you do with your super now?...
  4. What Are Website Terms of Use?
    Terms of use for a website are legal terms that govern, or attempt to govern, the use of the website by a user of the website. ...
  5. Does SEO Work? An Investigation
    You've probably heard of SEO beforeβ€”but what is it, really? And does it actually work? Search Engine Optimization, or SEO for short, is the process of optimising a website to rank higher in search engin...
  6. Disruptive Trends: How’s Your Bot?
    Talking to people is so last century. In the never ending quest to streamline life, tech explorers are looking at ways to automate conversations through advanced chat bots. Chat bots are simply pieces of s...
  7. How to Prevent Website Hacking – Top 10 tips
    One of the worst experiences a business can have is for their website to be hacked. Consider the loss to your business if your website security was breached....
  8. Book formats – the PDF
    What is a PDF? The initialisation is for the words β€˜Portable Document Format’ and for those who love a bit of history Wikipedia has some great information about how the PDF came about....
  9. How long does it take for SEO to show results?
    If you're a business owner, you've probably heard about SEO (Search Engine Optimisation). You know it can help your business by improving your visibility online and driving more traffic to your website. B...
  10. Make The Most of Your Business Website
    While it’s pretty much compulsory to have a website for any business today, content marketing can transform it from a simple online business card, into a valuable resource. For example, your website coul...
  11. Are COVID Grants And Payments Tax Free?
    Not much is free in this world....
  12. I am on social media, does my business still need a website?
    Small businesses are expected to have a website, but if you only have a social media presence what are the issues you could encounter....
  13. SEO for Real Estate Investors: 5 Factors to Keep in Mind
    The internet is easily the most prominent marketing space in the world today. It is therefore crucial for any business including those in the real estate field to have a presence in this space. Advancement...
  14. Name Your New Business with Caution
    Choosing a name for your business is one of the most important decisions you will ever make. As a business owner you need to give careful consideration to all future legal and branding ramifications....
  15. 5 Reasons Why Usability Testing is Important for Your Business
    Doing a usability test is critical for any business owner. Not only does it ensure that the platform they design works optimally, but it also aids in saving time and funds, which can be used to do other th...
  16. Top 5 Website Marketing Mistakes
    It can be daunting to get your website up and running. And wether you are setting it up yourself or engage an Agency to do it for you, here are the Top 5 Mistakes we see being made 1. Using Jargon You are ...
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