WNA Blog

Thu 11 Aug 2016

7 Signs You are Having a Good Year (even if It doesn’t feel like it)

Business Consulting & Coaching

This time of year, many of us can be feeling as though we’re not where we think we ought to be by now. Maybe we didn’t stick to our resolutions or make the changes we envisioned for ourselves. Or perhaps we’re feeling stuck by certain life circumstances.

But regret isn’t productive, so why be angry or upset with yourself? Instead focus on what is going well for you.

One great way to do this is to take stock with a mid-year review. Reflecting creates an opportunity to realign yourself with your goals and to see just how far you really have travelled.

If you’re feeling as though your life hasn’t gone as planned this year, take a second look. Chances are you’ll realise that you’re more on track than you thought.

Here are 7 signs you are having a great year, even if it doesn’t feel like it…

  1. You are focussing more on what you want than on what you don’t want.
  2. You are taking risks, even in the face of fear, apprehension, doubt and uncertainty. (By the way, these emotions aren’t real. They are just a chemical reaction in your brain to stepping outside your comfort zone.)
  3. You’ve fallen short of some goals, but you’re OK with that, because you love who you’ve become in the process of trying. You’ve grown capable of celebrating how far you’ve already come. And you’ve stopped comparing yourself to others!
  4. You have stopped worrying about things you can’t change. You trust that you’re right where you need to be to get where you want to go. You’ve released your expectations and instead you are trusting (or trying to trust) the Universe’s timing in all areas of your life. You no longer force anything – when it’s right, you know.
  5. You enjoy spending time with yourself and you’ve been working on becoming your own best friend. And you smile more — even when you’re alone.
  6. You’ve relinquished your need to know all the answers or even the outcome. Instead, you are enjoying the adventure of the journey. You are appreciating the inevitable ups and downs of the roller coaster instead of the unvarying repetition of the merry-go-round.
  7. You keep your focus more on reasons for doing things instead of the results you see. You know your dreams matter and the world needs what you have. And by doing this you have opened your heart and shown more of your true self to the world.

Give yourself some self-love and celebrate how far you’ve come!

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