WNA Blog

Sun 3 Sep 2017

What Leverage Does A Book Give My Business?

Educational Services
What leverage does a book give my business?

Writing a book has so many benefits for your business.

The process of putting your content into a cohesive order will force you to think carefully about the goals and processes of your business, the customers that you have and want to have, and the problems you can solve for them.

This type of thinking is perfect for your business.

Once you’ve developed the ideas into a book, you can leverage the content into a variety of other products and platforms. Think of ZMOT, which was coined by Google for The Zero Moment of Truth. What Google found in their research was that consumers needed to have 7 hours of interaction across 11 touch points in 4 locations. Think how a book and its spin-off products can do this for your business.

Not sure what products a book can turn into to increase your consumer interactions. Here are some ideas that can come relatively quickly once you’ve already started working on (or even completed) your book.

1.    A workbook based on the original book.
2.    Teaser books – short eBook productions.
3.    Webinar series.
4.    Keynote presentations.
5.    App development.
6.    Panel discussions with others in your industry.
7.    Group workshops.
8.    Audiobooks.
9.    Online learning programs.
10.  Blog posts.
11.  Articles for publications in your industry.

Or, you can flip this scenario and start by developing some of these products and then expand them into a book. Once you’ve done a few of these, you’ll find that your book has almost written itself. As you move from product to product, platform to platform, you are bound to find it easier and easier.

What other possibilities can you see?

The above suggestions focus mainly on the written content, but maybe you have visual or technical skills. How about a short film, animated presentation, or social media content, all of which are so much more accessible thanks to user-friendly (and often free) software technology.

Whatever order you do it in, the main thing is to start!

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